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Tips against bags under the eyes

Tips against bags under the eyes

Everyone suffers from bags under the eyes, usually after a short night. A good night’s sleep can significantly reduce these spontaneous bags, but what to do if the bags under the eyes are permanent? Doctor Frodo has listed a number of tips against bags under the eyes for you.

Skin problems

Many people have skin problems around the eyes, such as bags or dark circles. Often these two conditions are confused. Dark circles are the blood vessels that shine through the thin skin under the eyes, creating a blue or purple haze. Puffiness is swelling under the eyes as a result of excess fluid, fat or skin.

  • With fluid accumulation under the eyes, the tissue under the eyes retains a lot of moisture. When there is puffiness as a result of fluid accumulation, this is especially noticeable in the morning.
  • Excess fat tissue results in a bulge under the skin.
  • With aging, the muscles of the eyelids weaken and a thickening can develop under the eyes due to a build-up of skin.

So there is a significant difference between puffiness and dark circles. The factors that contribute to bags under the eyes are fatigue, diet, aging and predisposition. Do you suffer from bags under your eyes? Following is the best approach for preventing and reducing puffiness.

Puffiness or dark circles?

Puffiness or dark circles?

Veel mensen hebben huidproblemen rondom de ogen, zoals wallen of donkere kringen. Vaak worden deze twee aandoeningen door elkaar gehaald. Donkere kringen zijn de bloedvaatjes die door de dunne huid onder ogen heen schijnen, waardoor een blauwe of paarse waas ontstaat. Wallen zijn zwellingen onder de ogen als gevolg van een teveel aan vocht, vet of huid.

  • Bij vochtophopingen onder de ogen houdt het weefsel onder de ogen veel vocht vast. Wanneer er sprake is van wallen als gevolg van vochtophoping, is dit vooral te merken in de ochtend.
  • Een teveel aan vetweefsel resulteert in een opbolling onder de huid.
  • Bij veroudering verslappen de spieren van de oogleden en kan er een verdikking onder de ogen ontstaan door een opeenhoping van huid.
Preventing bags under the eyes

Preventing bags under the eyes

Adequate sleep is an important factor in the prevention of puffiness. Get about eight hours of sleep a night, so that the body has enough time to process waste and renew skin cells. The drainage of fluids and toxins from the body is optimal with good hydration, so drink enough water to maintain the moisture balance. A varied, healthy diet also has a major impact on the quality of your skin.

What can you do yourself to reduce puffiness?

What can you do yourself to reduce puffiness?

It is not always possible to prevent the formation of bags under the eyes. The cause of puffiness is not only due to fatigue due to little sleep or the right diet. Often there is aging or it is simply a case of genetic predisposition.

Cool the skin

Cool the skin

The visibility of puffiness can be reduced by cooling the skin around the eyes. This can be done with a cold washcloth or with the convex side of a spoon that has been in the freezer for a short time. Always place a tissue between a frozen spoon and your skin to prevent sticking. It is also possible to place moist, cooled tea bags on your eyes, preferably from herbal teas. Chamomile tea, for example, can have an extra soothing effect.

Hydrate the skin from the inside out

Hydrate the skin from the inside out

Even if you already have bags under the eyes, hydration can have a positive effect. Therefore, drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. Not only with fluid accumulation, but also with a thickening as a result of fatty tissue, it is beneficial to drink enough.

Massage the eye area

Moisture removal can also be achieved by massaging the area under the eyes. Place your index and middle fingers on the bags under the nose. Make a firm stroking motion towards the cheekbones and repeat several times. In this way you rub the fluid into the lymphatics, which then drain it. Eye massages also have a beneficial effect in the case of fat pads under the eyes.

Use a cream against puffiness

There are also care products that counteract the visibility of bags under the eyes. Eye creams provide extra care for the delicate skin. They can make the skin more supple and prevent the formation of fine lines. Keeping the eye cream in the refrigerator gives you an extra cooling effect.

Can you reduce puffiness with hemorrhoid cream?

Can you reduce puffiness with hemorrhoid cream?

Hemorrhoid ointment and petroleum jelly are often mentioned as a means to combat puffiness. Hemorrhoid ointment can reduce swelling and petroleum jelly is said to be moisturizing. However, with these types of products you run the risk of irritating your eye and the skin around it. It is better not to apply products that have not been developed for the thin skin around the eye. This way you prevent eczema and eye irritations. An easy remedy to use at home is cucumber or potato. Place two thin slices in the fridge for at least an hour and then place them on the eyes. This moisturizes the skin and can be anti-inflammatory.
